To view this website and the videos in Spanish , please click here.
Para ver esta p�gina web y los videos en Español , por favor presione aqu�.
To view this website and the videos in Hungarian , please click here.
A honlap �s a vide� magyar nyelven el�rhet� , itt.
All parts are now available with Polish subtitles (see below)
Wszystkie cz��ci s� teraz dost�pne z polskimi napisami (zobacz na dole)
Parts One, Two, and Three are now available with French subtitles (see below)
Les parties un, deux et trois sont maintenant disponibles avec sous-titres
en fran�ais (voir ci-dessous)
Parts One and Two transcripts now available in Portuguese (see below)
Partes 1 e 2 transcri�ões estão disponíveis em Português (veja abaixo)
Watch a five-minute YouTube invitation to the videos here.
(with Korean subtitles, click here )
The Holographic Universe Workshops are a five-part series of movies designed to examine how quantum physics and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding of life, our reality, and our spirituality.
They are based on live workshops delivered all over the world for the last four years by Stephen Davis, author of Butterflies Are Free to Fly - A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution.
You can watch each part live, via streaming video, or download them as .avi movie files to play later on your computer, using whatever movie program you have. There is also a PDF transcript to read along with the video (and for the hearing impaired).
Need help? Have Questions? Email Us
Part One (86 minutes)
- Stream* the video and watch now on YouTube or GoogleDrive
- Download the Video to watch later as a movie (900mb .avi)
- PDF Transcript to read along as you watch
- PDF Transcrito em Português
para ler enquanto você assiste
- Voir la vid�o en streaming* (ou t�l�charger) en fran�ais
- Obejrzyj bezpo�rednio na stronie (lub pobierz) po polsku, lub tutaj
Part Two (78 minutes)
- Stream* the video and watch now on YouTube or GoogleDrive
- Download the Video to watch later as a movie (800mb .avi)
- PDF Transcript to read along as you watch
- PDF Transcrito em Português
para ler enquanto você assiste
- Voir la vid�o en streaming* (ou t�l�charger) en fran�ais
- Obejrzyj bezpo�rednio na stronie (lub pobierz) po polsku, lub tutaj
Part Three (74 minutes)
- Stream* the video and watch now on YouTube or GoogleDrive
- Download the Video to watch later as a movie (700mb .avi)
- PDF Transcript to read along as you watch
- Voir la vid�o en streaming* (ou t�l�charger) en fran�ais
- Obejrzyj bezpo�rednio na stronie (lub pobierz) po polsku, lub tutaj
Part Four (75 minutes)
- Stream* the video and watch now on GoogleDrive (The BBC and Warner Music Group have blocked Part Four on YouTube)
- Download the Video to watch later as a movie (800mb .avi)
- PDF Transcript to read along as you watch
- Obejrzyj bezpo�rednio na stronie (lub pobierz) po polsku, lub tutaj
Part Five (103 minutes)
- Stream* the video and watch now on YouTube or GoogleDrive
- Download the Video to watch later as a movie (1gb .avi)
- PDF Transcript to read along as you watch
- Obejrzyj bezpo�rednio na stronie (lub pobierz) po polsku, lub tutaj
*Requires a good internet connection
Other Info:
- Download the free ebook (also available in Spanish
- Recommended reading, viewing, and references
- About Stephen Davis (workshop narrator)
- Podcast Interviews with Stephen - Part 1, Part 2
Secure Donation:
Did the information in this workshop series make an impact on you? Did you find it valuable? If so please consider donating a few dollars to help offset the cost of website and video hosting. We want to keep this resource free...